This is based on the call done by the French Socialist Party website called France after COVID.
Our world, our country, our state, our city, is going through one of the most challenging challenges in its contemporary history.
The health crisis following the COVID-19 epidemic is on everyone's mind.
There is an immediate fight to be fought, which mobilizes the energy of those who are on the front line - nursing staff, cashiers, delivery men, police officers, and our soldiers - but also all of our fellow citizens.
Each in his place, each at his post, will come out tested. And we all need, at this moment, a glimmer of hope, a horizon.
We can already observe, in all territories, the multiplication of solidarity initiatives undertaken to make the crisis more bearable for the most fragile and most precarious people. They are often facilitated or organized by our elected officials at the head of local or regional authorities (mayors, chairman of departmental or regional councils), of associative networks, but also of ordinary citizens concerned about the fate of their neighbors.
This surge of solidarity takes on a truly political dimension, in the noble sense of the term: it translates the return to human values, a return to the essential and a way of drawing out by deeds the society we want. Each initiative must therefore be shared, amplified, facilitated to the best of the capacities of communities, as well as the state, associations and political parties.
We are already beginning to question the meaning of what is happening to us, to hope that "after" will be better than "before", that we can collectively learn a few lessons from it. Like any crisis, this moment reorders our individual and collective priorities.
It brings us back to basics, what we are and have chosen to be, and therefore leads us to question our public policies: What economic model do we want? What model of solidarity? What do we refuse? What do we want to change? In short, many ask a question that has been pushed back or caricatured for too long: what nation do we want to form after the crisis?
We do not want, and must not, allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by sad passions or sterile divisions.
We need to mobilize on something other than anxiety, uncertainty or pain.
We need to tell ourselves that this test will not be in vain, that we will not experience a remake of the 2008 crisis that was to change everything and that the system has digested.
We need to project ourselves into a fairer planet that regains control of its destiny.
It is this hope that we want to build with you. It's the World after.
The platform is currently under construction and will be launched very soon. You can already, if you wish, send your contributions, testimonials and proposals by emailing them to